Garment Designer Gallery
Garment Designer Gallery images show finished designs created with Cochenille’s pattern making software. Patterns and projects have been created for both sewing and knitting. Software Plug-Ins using Style Sets 1 & 2 are regularly used to achieve several designs posted in the following links and slideshows. Please take the time to review what Cochenille pattern making software is capable of and enjoy our talented customers’ designs.
Garment Designer Features
(Click on the slide to view image)

Garment Designer 2.5ScreenSnapz002
Print your patterns from a Home Printer! Simply match up crossmarks and pages of the tiled pattern and tape or glue together. Page Size can be customized in 'Page Layout'.

Simple Fit Measurements

Refined Fit Measurements

Garment options
Garment Designer Category Options

Style details

Princess Category

Princess Seam


Dart for Knitter
Improve fit with darts for knitted garments

Shape menu option

Shape Group


Projects Menu for Metric or Inches

Garment Designer Points

Garment Designer Screen Mac

Garment Designer Screen Windows

Help Menu
For assistance with Garment Designer view the Help Menu

Option Projects
Garment Designer Examples

Elaine Cater Children's SweaterDesign