Hand Weavers Guild of America, Spinning and Weaving Week
October 2nd – 8th, 2023
Hello HGA Participants!
Cochenille Design Studio is pleased to be involved with HGA’s Spinning and Weaving Week. We are the home of Garment Designer Pattern software (for knitters, crocheters, and sewers), and Stitch Painter grid design program for any textile art that is planned on a grid. Both programs are Windows or Macintosh.
Our special code should work on any Cochenille-produced product (excluding upgrades and webinars).
Use Code HGA2023, October 2-9th, 2023. (we are extending an extra day)

Upcoming Webinar: Monday, November 6th, 2023 9 a.m. PT | |
Let’s Work with Hand-wovens. Design and Sew. Learn how to design for, create or choose patterns, and sew creatively with hand-wovens. To learn more, click on the link below. https://shop.cochenille.com/collections/webinars-online/products/lets-work-with-handwovens-design-and-sew Whether you wove it yourself, or have purchased fabric that has that hand-woven look, you will want to create unique and memorable fashions which take advantage of the beautiful fabric that inspired you. This webinar looks at the various decisions one makes when choosing styles and picking or creating patterns for hand-woven fabrics. It will also cover a discussion of sewing and finishing techniques. You will see a variety of patterns created with Garment Designer, but you can apply what you learn to choosing commercial patterns. |
HGA Show Specials from Cochenille Design Studio

15% off Garment Designer (and other Cochenille-produced software, excluding upgrades). Click on the links below to go to our store.
Garment Designer Pattern Software for Windows or Mac
Cochenille Design Aids
Use Code HGA2023, October 2-9th, 2023
Here is a link to a Garment Designer flyer with more information on the software.
We have lots of videos on using Garment Designer on our website. https://www.cochenille.com/garment-designer/garment-designer-videos/

15% off Stitch Painter
(and other Cochenille-produced products, excluding upgrades)
Stitch Painter design Software for Windows or Mac
Use Code HGA2023, October 2-9th, 2023
Here is a link to a StitchPainterflyer with more information on the software.
We have lots of videos on using Stitch Painter on our website. https://www.cochenille.com/stitch-painter/stitch-painter-videos/
Cochenille Design Aids
Cochenille has a variety of design aids. Go to this link to see more.
Our Sewer’s Worksheets are an example. FLASH… we just added a Sample Record sheet as a bonus to the Sewing Worksheet set. If you choose the Digital Download version in our store, there is no shipping involved!

15% off Sewer’s or Knitter’s Worksheets
Digital Download Version
Editable PDF files. Click on this link to go to this product on our store.
We have created a 2-page Fact Sheet on this product, which you can download by clicking here
Use Code HGA2023, October 2-9th, 2023

15% off the Hurth Measuring Ruler
Info at https://shop.cochenille.com/collections/other-design-aids/products/hurth-measuring-ruler
This is a non-Cochenille-produced product.
Use Code HGA2023, October 2-9th, 2023
This is a great measuring device that we import from Germany. Here are a few videos to watch on how to use this product.
We are also carrying the Hurth Measuring Bands and offer 15% off..
Hurth Measuring Band System
We recently added the Hurth Measuring Band System to our store. This is a unique system of adjustable elasticized bands that will help you achieve accurate body measurements.

FACT SHEET: www.cochenille.com/FactSheets/MeasuringStraps.pdf
SHOP: https://shop.cochenille.com/collections/other-design-aids/products/hurth-measuring-band-system
Part 1: Attaching and Removing Bands:
Part 2: Measuring.

15% Off
Measuring made Easy measuring tape by Lorraine Henry
Info at https://shop.cochenille.com/collections/other-design-aids/products/measuring-made-easy
This is a non-Cochenille-produced product.
Use Code HGA2023, October 2-9th, 2023
We have created a 2-page Fact Sheet on this product, which you can download by clicking here.
Note: We can ship the Measuring Tape set to U.S. addresses for $4.00. If you decide to get the ruler and the measuring tape, we can do both of those First Class mail for $6.00. However, our shipping on our web store won’t show you either those prices (unless we can get it fixed). We can override it at our end and capture only the amount for First Class. info@cochenille.com
Cochenille E-Books
Proportioned 4 You! $30.00.
Click here to to to this item on our website. Use Code HGA2021, October 4-11, 2021

You are unique! There are no two people exactly alike, and this uniqueness extends beyond your personal shape to your sense of style and the clothing you wear. Generally, a pattern cannot serve everyone, but wouldn’t it be nice to know that you can eliminate some of the variation by adjusting the pattern’s proportion to your own body?
This PDF book is an approach to pattern and garment design that allows you to combine your personal proportions with simple-shaped patterns. Take 16 simple measurements and then plug selected ones into the pattern templates provided for each pattern throughout this book. Use your calculator to multiply your measurement by the formula provided, and like magic, you will have the shape of the various pattern pieces in proportion to your body.
Want it to be even easier? If you have Microsoft Office, you can use the provided Excel file to do all the math for you. Enter your measurements in the Excel file, and sit back and smile. All the calculations will be taken care of automatically. No more math.
Proportioned 4 You includes the following
- A PDF book in Inches and Metrics
- An Excel file to help calculate your measurements
- Easy to follow instructions on body measurements with images demonstrating each measurement.
- Flats and Fashion Images of each pattern design, from start to finish
- Sewing and Knitting Basics
- Fabric and Yarn suggestions
- Creative Options on design variation
- Tips on working with different Figure Types
Easy 7 Jackets $24.00.
Click here to to to this item on our website. Use Code HGA2023, October 2-9th, 2023

This 89-page book, in PDF format, is designed to show Garment Designer users how to get more out of their software.
Each jacket is easily designed in the software and can be knit or sewn. With each project (whether you actually sew or knit it in the end) will teach you a new skill to use with your pattern software or with the building of garments. The instructions walk you through, step-by-step, how to create the pattern in Garment Designer. Even if you never make the garment, the skills you learn in using the software will be invaluable.
Knitting tips and illustrated sewing instructions are included in the book as well as generic techniques and tips.
Jacket Styles:
- Asymmetrical Layered – will teach you how to add internal flare to a pattern and how to build an asymmetrical style
- Empire – shows you how to build a two-part garment
- Flange – teaches you how to add a flange (large pleat) to a garment and how to space-plan to add a second fabric/stitch pattern
- Scarf Collar – will show you how to use the Give/Take Symmetry mode to create the asymmetrical front of the jacket
- Saddle Yoke – will show you how to work with a yoke and box pleat
- Knit-Splice – leads you into a mixed media approach and shows you how to space plan a pattern.
- Asian Origami – walks you through the building of the most unique Asian-influenced garment. In the end, it is a two-seam garment (excluding collar and pockets).
Various tips and sewing techniques are included with the book. Learn how to use a fabric binding for the neckline, or how to trim a garment with a decorative flat binding strip which can easily be adapted for knits. All this and more.