Pattern Template defines the neckline to be cut from a rectangular shape of fabric

You need Power? Make Master Pattern Templates with Garment Designer

Garment Designer is a creative and capable pattern making program. Once you are comfortable with the software you can make a pattern in a matter of minutes! But sometimes we just want to save more time by creating master pieces...Read More

Webinar: Let’s Make a Blouse

Webinar: Let's Make a Blouse Friday, August 9th, 2024, 10 a.m. PT Web 150 Click here to purchase Let’s Make a Blouse will feature the development of a woven fabric blouse. It will cover design considerations, fabric choice, appropriate styles...Read More

Webinar: How to Measure Garments and Use the Knowledge

Thursday, July 18th, 2024.  2 p.m.  PT Web-167 [caption id="attachment_15943" align="aligncenter" width="614"] Measuring Chest Width[/caption] Did you know you can remove a lot of guesswork with fitting and pattern making if you understand where you are heading. So, why not...Read More

Webinar: Let’s Make a Skirt (with Garment Designer)

Tuesday, July 9th, 2024. 10 a.m. PT Web 158 [caption id="attachment_15940" align="aligncenter" width="651"] Skirt example[/caption] Everyone should have a few favorite skirts to wear. Not only do they make us feel a bit more feminine, skirts are cooler to wear...Read More