USB HASP key not working/HASP driver update

USB HASP key not working/HASP Driver Update

Please go to the following Support page for more information on the USB HASP key and Updates:

Windows Users:
Do NOT update to any Hasp driver beyond version 8.15. Sentinel has removed items that Garment Designer needs. Please use the version 8.15 driver. You may download that here.

Mac Users:
You can use the following link to download the latest driver

About the Hasp Key

The USB HASP key must be plugged into the computer during software use, this protects our software from being shared illegally. If you do not have the HASP key, then you will be unable to access the software. The HASP Key, sometimes referred to as a dongle, allows your computer to recognize and open our software programs, please have it plugged in prior to opening the program. If you have a limited amount of USB ports, some users use a multi-port adaptor in order to plug in additional USB devices.

Hasp-Related Error Codes

Error 33 or H0009
If you are trying to access the Garment Designer program and receiving an ‘error 33’ message or ‘H0009’ this is a driver communication error. 
This means the driver for your HASP key has either not been installed, did not install correctly or needs to be updated.

Error E0009. (Windows folk)
This error occurs on Windows systems when Hasp’s driver is above version 8.15. Sentinel removed items from these drivers that Garment Designer needs. Thus, the solution is to uninstall the newer driver with the exact installer you used to install it, and then install version 8.15 of the driver. You can download that version by going the link below.

This is a document we created to assist people who have installed a newer version of the Hasp Driver. Keep in mind that we wrote this when version 8.43 of the Hasp driver was released. If you are using a more current version such as 9.15, you simply follow along with the instructions but substitute your version wherever it says 8.43.

Installing a Driver Process

Please make sure to have the USB HASP key unplugged when installing the driver.

1. Unplug your USB HASP key and ensure you do not have any security settings or antivirus software enabled that would block the download and installation of the driver.

2. Click on the link to download the latest HASP Key Driver installer. Note that you must have browser pop-ups disabled for the download to begin.




3. Once you open the link on your web browser, scroll to the bottom of the website page and click ‘I accept’.

4. Click on the link provided to download the installer file. Note that you must have browser pop-ups enabled for the download to begin.

5. Once you have downloaded the zipped file, it will be sent to your downloads folder. The unzipped or expanded file name will be Sentinel_Runtime.dmg for Mac and HASPUserSetup.exe for Windows.

6. Click on the file to open and then select ‘Install Sentinel Runtime Environment’

7. After the installation is complete, restart your computer.

8. Plug your HASP key in, wait for the light to turn on and then Open Garment Designer. We suggest waiting a few minutes after restart before plugging in the key, as some computers will not recognizes the changes right away.

The USB HASP key will need to be plugged in during software use. It does not have to be ‘ejected’ when you disconnect it. We recommend attaching a keychain to the key for easy location, remember losing it will lose access to the program.

Please view the following video to see how to update your Hasp key driver. Some of you might have difficulty doing this which may be dependent upon your computer security settings.



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