Menu Overview
The Menu Bar of Garment Designer contains nine main menu items; File, Edit, Sloper, Options, Additions, Extras, Generate, Display, Window and Help. Each main menu contains command items. Some of the command items (indicated by the triangular pointer symbol) contain yet another layer of submenus. Various menu commands are displayed with a series of dots (...) and this type of menu command opens dialog boxes. Once a dialog box is opened, you must approve the settings (click OK), change the settings (change numbers or options) and then approve (click OK), or cancel (click Cancel).
Menu Basics
The following is a list of how menus are designed and how they operate. These menu features are common in numerous programs.
Sub-menus- Some of Garment Designer’s menus contain sub-menus (indicated by the triangular pointer symbol) . You must choose the main menu command, then the sub-menu item.
Menu Commands - Menu commands are displayed with a series of dots (...) that open dialog boxes/windows. Once a dialog box is opened, you must approve the settings (click OK), change the settings (change numbers) and then approve (click OK), or cancel (click Cancel).
Toggles: Some menu commands operate with a toggle system. When the function is active within Garment Designer, a checkmark appears beside the menu name. Selecting the menu item will toggle the function on or off, dependent on its previous status. Many of the Display, Options and Additions menu commands act as toggles.
Active vs. Unavailable - Menu commands will be either active (black) or dimmed (grey). A dimmed menu is not available for your use because you have not performed a required action (which makes the menu available). An example of this would be the Add Hem function in the Additions menu. This menu item will appear ghosted until you have selected a segment on your garment. The program needs to know 'where' you want to add a hem before it can actually create one, and thus you must select the appropriate garment segment.
Keyboard Equivalents- Numerous menu items have keyboard equivalents and these are shown to the right of the words on the menu.
Menus will be discussed moving left to right across the menu bar, and from top to bottom within each menu title.