Save... (File Menu)
This command saves and/or updates the current document you are working on. If the document has not been named, you will be prompted to provide a name. If it has been named, the file will save using the existing name and the current drive and folder/directory. Always watch to see into which directory you are saving your files. You should note the 'folder' as it appears in the File Save Requestor.
Once you have named the document and continue to work, it is a good practice to save periodically. This menu may be used to save the current image over the existing saved image. No warning will be given regarding saving over the previous version (which is the standard way that Save and Save As menus work).
When you Save a document, Designer will save the following information:
- Active Sloper
- Pattern Setup on Screen
- Garment Styles of the Pattern
- Optional Grid
- Garment Length
- Facing/Hems/Extensions/Bands, etc.
- Dimensions/Counts
- Gauge/Sett/Count
- Display Mode/Scale
- plus other information
The Save command will also save the Text Instructions when you are in the Shaping Instructions mode. Once the Instruction window is displayed on the screen, Save works for this. Name your file accordingly and save it. Then you may open the text file in a word processor and add information if you so desire. Remember to use a Courier or similar fixed-spaced font in order to keep the columns lined up. You may need to change the font by 'selecting all' and changing to Courier once you enter the Word Processor. See a fuller explanation in Appendix C of your software manual.
The Save command of the File menu does not save and place a new sloper in the Custom Sloper list/menu. This is done using the Save command in the Sloper menu.
If it is the first time you are saving the image and you have not named your project, the Save As... requester/dialog will appear asking you to name the document.