Shoulder Depth
This measurement is taken to determine the slope of your shoulder. One measures the vertical distance between the high shoulder point and the shoulder/sleeve point. You may want to take this measurement on both sides of your body to determine if you have a non-symmetrical body. If you differ by more than 1/2 inch you may want to consider charting both sides of the garment. (Note: you can choose to chart/pattern both sides of the garment even if the difference between sides is less than 1/2 inch, or you may choose to go for the average of both sides to make life simple.... the choice is yours).
- Place a rigid device such as a ruler at your high shoulder point and extend it over your shoulder line, parallel to the floor.
- Take a second ruler and measure the depth between the ruler and the shoulder/armhole point. This is your Shoulder Depth.
- Record the measurement.