Add Extension...

Keyboard Shortcut!

This menu allows you to click on a line and add an extension to it. The primary use of this function is to allow you to add an extension to either Center Front or Center Back for buttons and buttonholes.

To add an extension:

  1. Select the segment onto which you want to add an extension (e.g. Center Front). Note: You may want to use the drag/select method of selecting so you don't have to turn symmetry off.
  2. Choose the Additions/Extension menu.
  3. Enter the desired width of the extension.
  4. Click OK.
    The extension appears and a dotted line will replace the original garment line.

How wide do you make an extension?
The general rule of thumb is to add an extension 1/2 the width of your button + 1/8 to 1/4 inch.