Information Bar: Use as a Method of Measuring
You can use selected points and segments to assist you in the measuring process. Garment Designer provides you with an Information Bar (Info Bar) in the lower left corner of the window. When segments are selected, Designer measures several things about the selected pieces. These are:
Segment Length
If you select more than one segment, Designer will add the lengths of all of the selected segments and display the total. This will happen automatically if Symmetry is turned on and active. Sometimes you will want this cumulative information, and sometimes you will not. If you want to know the segment length of several joined lines only (and not their symmetrical counterparts), use the Symmetry Override method of selecting the line to be measured or turn Symmetry off.
Below are some examples of quick ways to measure a garment and selected segments:
To measure the garment’s length:
Click in the center of the garment and observe the height of the garment.
To measure a front armhole length:
Drag + select a box around all parts of the armhole. You will be able to see how long it is, how wide and deep it is.
To measure the entire armhole:
Make sure Front/Back Symmetry is on, and then shift + click on all the segments that comprise the armhole. Both front and back segments will become highlighted and the program will measure the total length of the front and back armhole. In addition, you will be able to see how wide and deep the armhole is.